A Deep Dive Into What Makes a Timber Block Home Highly Energy Efficient

Energy Efficiency. It’s a top priority for most homeowners looking to build a new home. Simply put, an energy-efficient home will save money and be more durable and comfortable.

Timber Block designs and constructs highly energy efficient homes all over Canada and the USA.  This is achieved due to Timber Block’s manufacturing process and the attention to small details. For example, if an energy-efficient home was as simple as how packed it is with insulation, then everyone would be able to create an energy-efficient home. However, there are many additional factors involved.

“Our manufacturing and installation process ensures all the fine details are taken into consideration, not just for the short term, but for the entire life of the home.”

An R-30 wall is standard in every Timber Block home. The“R” value plays a significant factor in energy efficiency. It’s a measure of resistance to heat transfer through a material, or an assembly of materials. The higher the R-value, the greater the resistance. However, there are other factors that can affect the R-value and how heat moves out of your home: convection, radiation, and air infiltration.

While you may hear plenty of chatter about R-values, there are other factors that increase the level of energy efficiency in a home. For example,  airtightness is just as important as the R-value. During our manufacturing process, we inject each 7” high, variable width, section with a closed-cell polyurethane insulation. This ensures that every square inch is properly filled, instead of injecting an entire panel at a time. A very common location for air infiltration on existing and traditionally framed homes is around windows and doors. Timber Block’s manufacturing process takes care of this by properly sealing around every single opening, which is later inspected for quality assurance. This entire process is done indoors, allowing control over the temperature, humidity, and air movement, ensuring the perfect conditions to complete the process.

Timber Block provides a thorough construction manual that details the locations for the field use of glues and caulking during the assembly in order to seal the envelope as tightly as possible. A well assembled Timber Block home will have between 0.5 and 1.5 ACH (air changes per hour) compared to the 3, 4, or more ACH in a newly constructed home that does abide by your local building code requirements.

Overall, today’s homeowner realizes how important energy efficiency is. Homeowners need to consider the indoor air quality to ensure a healthier life for their family. With a tighter sealed home, you have more control over your indoor air quality. This paired with an air exchanger guarantees a constant supply of fresh, quality air for to breath in.

Finally, an energy efficient home  SAVES MONEY! The dollars you’re using to heat and cool your home need to be put to good use. A tightly sealed envelope will ensure your operating costs remain as low as possible. This, along with other energy efficient components such as windows, furnace, and water heater will ensure less spending, while creating a very comfortable indoor environment.